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Lamborghini Raging Calf Is Too Cute to Be Mean

Lamborghini Raging Calf Is Too Cute to Be Mean

Probably ever since they became aware of themselves, humans have loved to belong. Whether it was a larger tribe, a smaller pack, or a tiny family, humans have always looked for comfort in the midst of kindred souls. And what better way to show everyone else they belong than to use symbols?

Things like coats of arms of family crests may not be as widespread today as they once were, but we can still see their descendants all around us, in the form of company logos. And few are as visible as the ones displayed on cars. These badges have been around since forever, and the most recognizable are the ones that symbolize impressive powerhouses.

Take Lamborghini for instance. The Italian company is a relatively young one in the industry, having been set up in 1963, but the products it makes and the logo on its cars are immediately recognizable in all corners of the planet.

We call Lambo’s coat of arms the Raging Bull, because that’s what it is: a bull in fighting stance, trapped inside a contoured shield, and with the word Lamborghini written in caps at the top.

The story goes the man charged with designing the logo, someone named Paolo Rambaldi, decided to go for the bull because first, the founder of the company, Ferruccio Lamborghini, was born in the Taurus zodiac sign, and secondly, because the man had a real thing for bullfights.

Also, a bull is a more bad**s animal than say, a Prancing…

Now, the logo did evolve in terms of colors and fonts used over the years, but the essence of it all, the raging bull, pretty much remained the same. But what if it started life as a calf instead of a full-grown bull?

That’s a question the guys over at British leasing startup LeaseFetcher asked themselves, and then answered with renderings of car logos shown as animal babies, not full-grown adults. Including one of Lamborghini’s bull, as seen in the main photo.

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Cute, right, and not exactly the word one would use to describe Lamborghini.

Source autoevolution.com
